About Us
The HIGHQUEST Series was developed by a team of Navigator committed to making disciples who make disciples. They believe that the Great Commission was given to every believer and is the purpose and focus of all Christian mission. The design team had over a 160 years of combined disciplemaking experience from a broad range of ministries including collegiate, military, community, church and the marketplace. The design was to provide a tool that is both simple yet profound. Simple enough that ordinary people would be able to use it with. Profound enough to capture the core biblical concepts and spiritual practices that enabled people to become mature disciples.
The Navigators Church Ministry (NCM) works with church leaders around the country helping them be more effective at developing a disciplemaking cuilture in their church and equipping their people be and make disciples. The Navigators calling is to...
Advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations
through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.
It is with this calling in mind that the HIGHQUEST Discipleship Series was developed. Our vision is for a mighty army of men and women who are fully equipped and effectively engaged in expanding Christ's kingdom through spiritual generations of true disciples.
The Navigators Church Ministry (NCM) works with church leaders around the country helping them be more effective at developing a disciplemaking cuilture in their church and equipping their people be and make disciples. The Navigators calling is to...
Advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations
through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.
It is with this calling in mind that the HIGHQUEST Discipleship Series was developed. Our vision is for a mighty army of men and women who are fully equipped and effectively engaged in expanding Christ's kingdom through spiritual generations of true disciples.