Leading The Men's Series
How to start (recruit to) a HighQuest Forum
The following ideas will help you get started in selecting men to join your HighQuest Forum.
1. Pray. Spend time seeking God and asking him to:
prepare your heart
lead you regarding who to ask/recruit to your Forum
prepare their hearts
During the season of prayer, write down the names of friends and acquaintances that are possibilities for your HighQuest Forum.
2. Identify. Make up a short list of men to recruit. Consider the following qualities as you review your possibilities:
A genuine heart for God and a desire to grow spiritually.
A willingness to be faithful, available, and teachable.
A sense that this person will fit into the "relational chemistry" of the group.
The day, time, and place to meet that works best for the group.
3. Review. Read through the HighQuest unit to become familiar with the content. Use a highlighter to mark key ideas that you want to communicate to the men in your Forum.
4. Inform. Inform the men about the High Quest Forum that you are planning to start. The following information is important to communicate.
HighQuest will consist of a group of 2-4 other like hearted men.
The content of the HighQuest unit being offered (life skill and life issue).
HighQuest will include individual preparation and a group Forum.
The Forum will meet regularly (usually weekly) for one hour.
The forum will last about 12 weeks.
5. Invite. Ask the men personally to participate. It has been said that "a personal Invitation, stands as a beacon of light in a sea of mass communication". Therefore, meet individually with each potential participant. Include in your invitation:
The benefits that he can expect from being in HighQuest.
The ways that the other men in the HighQuest Forum will benefit from his participation.
Give the invitation encouraging him to seek God's leading at this time. Always convey that yes or no is acceptable to you.